As Lucy was starting to edit our footage, i began to start to create out text for the title sequence. I wanted to do the text as i did Illustration and Communication at GCSE and i know a lot about composition and where the text should go to get the audiences attention.
the first thing i did was go on the website 'dafont' as it is a copyright free website and as we all liked the font on our test creation of making the text, i decided to go with the font called Old Newspaper types. I used the software Photoshop Elements. I tried diffrent font sizes and different positioning of the text to see how it would look as a png. document which i could see where the positioning of the text will go.

On Photoshop Elements, i put grid boxes to help me position my text properly and neatly. I made 16 different text with all the different titles that appear on the screen of title sequences. The order of the titles are inspired by the title sequence Se7en.

The only thing that was a problem was that we transferred the text onto be edited and the text was black and we thought it would be better if it was white so that it stands out and also so it can be seen as our title sequence is in black and white. Me and Lucy figured out how to change the colour of the text form black to white without starting from scratch. The composition of the text in the title sequence is coming along and i think it is going to look really good at the end.

This is how they looked as a png. image document.
The composition is to the bottom left of the screen so that the text is not in the way of the footage.
As you can see, i made the endings of the text in line with each other so that everything looks neater and more professional.
I am happy that i can use my previous skills to help make this title sequence.
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