Thursday, 16 January 2014

Conventions of title sequence

Conventions: ingredients of a title sequence
Transition: one place to another
  • A title sequence is the method by whom a films credit production and cast members utilising visuals and sound.
  • The opening credits of motion pictures list the most important members of the production and they are either superimposed on a blank screen over the action. 
  • There may or may not be accompanying music. the aim of an opening sequence may be to establish character, setting, genre, mood or atmosphere.
  • The sequence is supposed to foreshadow the film and create suspense and interest.
Media text, film titles have conventions. visual and audio clue tell you that what you are watching is a title sequence.
Technical convention = The technical side of conventions e.g. putting it all together
Symbolic convention = What it is supposed to mean
Genre convention = What kind of film it is based on and what is being shown

Common credits in a film opening:
- Name of production company
- Producer
- Name of title
- Director
-Executive producer
- Top billing actors (stars)
- Name of studio
-Music composed by
- Other key crew staring

We looked at several title sequences in class. They were:
-The Avengers
-Napoleon Dynamite  

In the lesson, we did a time line together on a film title sequence noting down on the bored all the text that was shown as the title sequence was going on. We were then told to go on the website 'artofthetitle' and find a random title sequence to make a time line for that. Here is my one: i picked 21 Jump Street

When i finished doing my own timeline, i payed more attention to titles in the films that i watched. Getting all of the titles in a 2 minute title sequence must have taken a lot of time. I can apply the titles of any title sequence into my coursework as the names are a very important part of a title sequence.

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