Wednesday 15 January 2014

First Pitch

Leanne: Monday's Lesson

In Monday's lesson we had to present our pitch. We did a PowerPoint presentation to present our idea to the class and to our teacher. We discussed the summery of the film (what the film is about), included the Production Company, the Box Office of our supporting films, the Distributor, we added some kidnapping research to the PowerPoint as well as possible actors we want in our film, lastly we reveal what the film is really about (in more depth).

When we finished presenting our pitch, the budget was pointed out to us that it is too low for the high stars we want to act in our film meaning that our budget needs to be higher. We wanted to have Film4 as our production company but as they only do small budget films we decided to stick to Lionsgate.

Before our lesson, we ( Lucy, Megan, Christian and myself) decided that we were going to film ourselves presenting our pitch so that we can see what our teacher and classmates saw.

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